Rafalea Daffa

Rafalea Daffa

Student | Programer | Noob Player

About Me

My name is Rafalea Daffa Abhista. A simple name meaning "one who achieves his goals with full struggle",Regarding personality, I have a cheerful, friendly, and kind nature because I like to help friends and like to hang out. I am also the type of person who wants to work hard in every job I do so that the job can produce maximum results. However, I also have some bad qualities. I give up easily and still often selfish. Until now I have tried to reduce these bad qualities by trying to study independently.

I have a hobby of coding and learning about IT. That's why I'm interested in the world of programming. And I use my spare time to try to make a glimpse of the IT world, reading books, browsing, and watching the news with the aim of being able to benefit from these activities.

My Achievement

Achievement 1

this is my first achievement in the IT world

Achievement 2

and this is the second achievement I got after passing the exam

Achievement 3

when i got addicted, i started to learn more about programming language, until finally i finished 1 programming language test which is git

Achievement 4

I learned about creating a good and proper website, so I took HTML & CSS language, and got it over with

Achievement 5

and this is my last achievement, it may look the same as number 1, but this is a different class, I will learn another programming language

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